Understanding influencers monetization activities

image from @socialcut on unsplash

image from @socialcut on unsplash


Influencers have created billion-dollar industries. Although academic research knows much about how brands rely on influencers, and how influencers lead the opinion of others, we know surprisingly little about influencers themselves.

The role of this interview is to better understand how influencers capitalize on the attention they command for monetization activities (e.g., sponsored posts, selling products, creating leads, finding customers).

You’re most probably here because you’ve seen a link somewhere online or we have contacted you to participate in this project. If you decide to do so, you won’t need to prepare whatsoever. We’ll arrange a Skype, Teans, or Zoon meeting at a time of your convenience, and we’ll talk about some of the things that you do as an influencer, for about 30 minutes.

Whatever information we collect will be anonymized, and none of it can be used for a commercial project. Our goal is strictly academic and we aim at generating knowledge in and around influencers. This project has been approved by Concordia University research ethics unit.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at pierre-yann.dolbec@concordia.ca if you have any questions!


Consent form



Study Title: How are consumers changing legitimization processes in markets

Researcher: Pierre-Yann Dolbec

Researcher’s Contact Information: pierre-yann.dolbec@concordia.ca; 1450 rue Guy, John Molson School of Business, Office 12.347, Montréal, QC H3H 0A1, Canada

You are being invited to participate in the research study mentioned above. This form provides information about what participating would mean. Please read it carefully before deciding if you want to participate or not. If there is anything you do not understand, or if you want more information, please ask the researcher.


The purpose of the research is to understand how the participation of consumers to market is changing the ways actors, products, firms, practices, etc. become legitimate within a market.

Note: For this specific wave of interviews, we are interested in understanding how influencers monetize their influence.  


If you participate, you will be asked to answer a series of questions that will be recorded. The questions will cover some of your activities as an influencer.

In total, participating in this study will take about 30 minutes.


I think you may benefit from participation in this research because sometimes when we reflect back on previous experiences or collect our thoughts on a topic we can learn or understand events in a new way.


We will not allow anyone to access the information, except people directly involved in conducting the research, and except as described in this form. We will only use the information for the purposes of the research described in this form.

The information gathered will be coded. That means that the information will be identified by a code. The researcher will have a list that links the code to your name.

We will protect the information by securing the data both physically and digitally, as well as not tying the information you give us with anything that could lead to your identification.

We intend to publish the results of the research. However, it will not be possible to identify you in the published results.


You do not have to participate in this research. It is purely your decision. If you do participate, you can stop at any time. You can also ask that the information you provided not be used, and your choice will be respected.  If you decide that you don’t want us to use your information, you must tell the researcher at the latest six months after this interview took place.

The interview may be conducted face-to-face in a public setting or a setting of your choice (such as your office or your place of residence). You are free to choose the setting in which this interview will be conducted. We can also conduct this interview by Skype.

There are no negative consequences for not participating, stopping in the middle, or asking us not to use your information.

You are not waiving any legal right to compensation by signing this form.


I have read and understood this form. I have had the chance to ask questions and any questions have been answered. I agree to participate in this research under the conditions described.