Pierre-Yann Dolbec
Pierre-Yann Dolbec
Concordia University Research Chair in Complexity and Markets
Pierre-Yann Dolbec
Associate professor, John Molson School of Business
Concordia University Research Chair in Complexity and Markets

I research how complex markets change. My current research projects examine body hacking, coffee, the Covid-19 pandemic, education, fashion, influencers, music, sneakers, as well as social impact projects in Brazil and India.

My research has been published at the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, and Marketing Theory, where it has received distinctions such as most cited and most downloaded papers. I have presented at the Association for Consumer Research, the European Association for Consumer Research, the Consumer Culture Theory, and the American Marketing Association conferences, where I have been awarded prizes for best special session and best paper. My research has been featured in media such as the National Post, Channel News Asia, CTV News, Global News, CBC, Journal de Montreal, Les Affaires, and Le Devoir.

I have received more than 850 000$ in funding from varied sources, such as the Social Science and Humanities Research Council and the Fonds Société et Culture. I am an ad-hoc reviewer for a number of journals, and I am on the editorial review board of Journal of Consumer Research and Recherche Appliquée en Marketing (RAM). I am also a mentor at academic conferences, a supervisor and committee member for master and doctoral students, and an instructor at JMSB where I am responsible for the digital marketing undergraduate course.